Isparta, the province of Turkey on the southwest. Isparta, located in the Göller District, north of the Mediterranean Region; Burdur in the west, Afyonkarahisar in the north, Konya in the east, and Antalya in the south. Between 30 ° 01 'and 31 ° 33' east longitudes and 37 ° 18 'and 38 ° 30' north latitudes.
The history of Isparta in the early ages should first be considered in the general history of the Pasidia region. In fact, it is not possible to get Isparta's city history in these periods at full clarity, even if some of the works belonging to the Hittites were seized in and around Isparta, indicating Hittite dominance in this region.
In the historical periods, this region under the rule of the Hittite was dominated by Ions and Lydians. In 546 BC Persians had to accept the supremacy of the Persians and Isparta, with the defeat of the Lydian State and their domination of Anatolia.
Alexander the Great took Lydia in 333 BC and began his historic Asian campaign. First Alexander, who took Sagalassus, then went to Dinar and connected Pisidia to his country.
Pisidia fell to the Seleucid feelings with the disintegration of the Alexander Empire. It was later linked to the kingdom of Pergamon. In the days following the fall of this kingdom in the 2nd century BC, the Romans captured Anatolia.
After Ağlasun lost its former significance, Isparta became the center of the Bishop of Psidia (later the Greek Metropolitan).
Isparta and its surroundings were connected to the Eastern
Roman Empire upon the division of the Roman administration into two.
After Alexander the Great became king (356 BC - 323 BC), the western part of Anatolia was under Greek rule. Even the next 36 years after Alexander's death, the region was dependent on Athens. The Greeks of Isparta and Athens, who were living in the peninsula of Mora these years, began to migrate to the west of Anatolia. A large group came from the Isparta of the Mora Peninsula, today it has settled in the underground region of Isparta province. They gave the city the name
Isparta of their own country.