It lies in the productive region between the Yeşilırmak and Kızılırmak deltas in the Central Black Sea Region. It is surrounded by the Black Sea in the north, Çarşamba in the east, Ondokuzmayıs and Bafra in the west, and Kavak in the south. Samsun is the most developed and largest city in the Black Sea Region with a total population of 1,252,959 and is the largest and most developed city in terms of education, health, industry, commerce, transport and economy and also the only city in the metropolitan municipality. Ondokuz May University has a long history. It is the 7th largest in Turkey in medicine. Along with Canik Başarı University, which was launched in May 2010 and is scheduled to start teaching in the 2012-13 academic year, Samsun will include the feature of being the only university in the Black Sea Region. The beach, the roads and the universities add beauty to the city. Samsun, the city's team is identified with Samsunspor.Etymology
In Samsun, the name Enete of Hittites; B.C. In 1500, the Miletan colonists founded the ancient city of Amisos where today's city center is located. M.S. In the 11th century, Danishmendlans tried to capture the city, but when they failed, they set up a new settlement called Yeni Amisos at a distance of 3 km from the city center. Although the name of the city was pronounced as Simisso and Samisso from Amisos in time, it passed through Turkish in the form of "Samsun" over Arabic. Umar argued that the city of Sinop could be associated with the name Sinuwa in the Hittite sources as Simisso in the medieval Italian maps of the city name and Sinussa in the Catalan maps.History
Until Cihan Harbi'ne: The only photo remaining from Samsun Castle. It is registered with the number "Samsun Kalesi 90764/10" in the library of Istanbul University Library and Documentation Department. The old name was Greek Amisos or Amisus and it was later used as Eis Amison or "Amisosa". This name was used in Samsun or Samsus during Roman and Byzantine period. The Antiquity historians who lived in the city of Themiskyra, known as the legendary female warriors, founded the Amazons near the Thermedon Stream. Every year, a festival is held in the city of Terme, as it is acknowledged in the historical and cultural values of the Amazon, Samsun and its region, which are narrated in various sources, which have been cut in a breast to make better arrows. The oldest community living by establishing a state within the province of Samsun is Kaşkalar, who bet on Hittite resources. The Hittites, the Phrygians, the Cimmerians, the Lydians, and the Miletus, who recently emigrated from the Aegean to the Black Sea, became the owners of the city. With the defeats of the Persians, King Lycee of Krezus, Amisos was captured by the Persian Empire. In 331 BC, Alexander the Great defeated the Persians and became the Macedonian empire. Amisos was the capital of the Pontus State founded by Mithridates, who died of Alexander's death. In the 1st century BC, Amisos was dominated by the Roman Empire, and was divided within the borders of the Byzantine Empire by separating the Roman Empire. Amisos was seized by the forces of the Malatian Terrible Omar commanded by the commander of the caliph Mutassim during the Abbasid time in 860, but was again taken back by the Byzantines. Though Samsun was besieged by Danishmendis with the Turks entering Anatolia, they were not taken. At that time the Danishmendians built Samsun Castle at a point far away from the city. In the time of Anatolian Seljuks, the Muslim settlements of Samsun were dominated by Anatolian Seljuks in 1185. After the Crusades, Samsun, which is the capital of Trabzon, became the ruler of the Greek Empire of Trabzon. As a consequence of the transit of the Genoese in the Black Sea, they remained under the Genoese rule for about 100 years. Samsun, where the Turks lived, was called Muslim Samsun and Gavur Samsun or Kara Samsun in the commercial site of the Genoese who were 3 km away. Samsun, 1389 Yıldırım Bayezid time, joined the Ottoman lands. While the Anatolian Seljuk State was collapsing, it became the capital city of Canik Beylik. According to the Ottoman census of 1893, the number of people living in Samsun is 67,624. Of these, 33,419 (49%) are composed of Turks. The population of Rum in Samsun is 32,925 people (49%). In these years, half of the Samsun population consists of the Turks and the Greek Cypriots. The number of Christians in the city is equal to Muslims. National Struggle Period: Wax figures depicting the "first step" of the Atatürk and his delegation in the representative Bandirma Ferry located in the city center, by the sea. After the First World War, there were bloody conflicts in the Bafra region of Greeks where the Greeks lived. [5] The city was the capital of the Pontus Republic for two years. After the Armistice of Mondros, the Englishmen took out troops from the city. Mustafa Kemal, who was appointed to the inspector of the 9th Army, was sent to Samsun on 19 May 1919 to solve the problem on the declaration that the entente states would be occupied if the confusion in eastern and northern Anatolia continued. On 19 May 1919 Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha, who was in the desire to liberate Anatolia from enemy invasion and to establish an independent republic, was declared as the start date of the War of Independence and celebrated with enthusiastic ceremonies as Youth Day. In the city of Terme, Armenian and Greek Cypriots were fighting. The bastard Ahmed and his gang repelled the Armenian and Greek Cypriots, and they were confined to a room in the Terme's huge town.Geography
Following the Black Sea coastline, the stretches of the North Anatolian Mountains within the province border are higher. As you move away from the shore, these mountains, rising in rounded and rugged mountains, reach 1,000 to 1,500 meters. The Canik Mountains, the Kunduz Mountain, the Bünyan Mountain, the Sequential Mountain and the Yunt Mountain, which are the highest mountains in the province, are the main mountains of Akdağ, which is the highest mountain in Turkey. Plates and plumes are not too high. Plateaus: Ladik, Basin, Vezirköprü and Kavak are located in the districts. The alluvial deposits of Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak rivers have been formed on the coast for centuries, resulting in fertile Bafra and Çarşamba bows. Samsun is rich in rivers, and the longest river in Turkey reaching to the sea is the Kızılırmak, Kızılırmak, which is born in Kızıldağ and flows into the Black Sea through the Bafra province. The main branches of Kızılırmak with a length of 1,182 km are Delice Water, Devrez Stream and Gökırmak. Born from Kösedağ and passing Canik Mountains to Samsun province border, Yeşilırmak is poured into the sea from Civa Burnu. The important branches of Yesilirmak, which is 468 km long, are Tozanlı River, Tokat River, Kelkit River and Çekerek Water. Apart from these, the waters spread from the Samsun lands to the Black Sea to the east; Terme Stream, Mert River, Milic River, Kurdun Stream and Abdal Stream. Streams and dams Rivers: Samsun has a very rich geographical structure in terms of water resources. The greatest rivers of the province are Kızılırmak and Yesilirmak. These two rivers reach the Black Sea after passing the provincial lands. In addition to these, there are a number of small streams on the eastern side. However, these streams are irregular and flow. The Kızılırmak is poured from Samsun to the Black Sea after the Kızılırmak, which boils from the Kızıldağ in the east of the Imranlı district of Sivas, after having drawn a wide arc in the Central Anatolian Region and then Sivas, Kayseri, Nevşehir, Kırşehir, Ankara, Çankırı and Çorum. The length of Kızılırmak is 1,355 km. Samsun creates a large bowler and Bafra Delta within the borders of the province. When it is cast into the Black Sea, it forms Turkey's largest delta. This delta has an area of 560 km2 and a length of 30 km. Yesilirmak originates from the slopes of Kösedağ in the south of Koyulhisar district of Sivas. It is one of the biggest rivers of Turkey. Green River; The Tozanlı Stream consists of the combination of the Çekerek Stream and the Kelkit Stream. After passing through Sivas, Tokat and Amasya, it flows in the northeast direction and forms Samsun-Tokat border. Taking the Karakus Stream in this region, it passes through the small valleys among the Canik Mountains and is poured from the Civa Burnu to the Black Sea. The other streams of Samsun are Tersakan Stream, Mert River, Terme Stream, Milic River, Akçay River, Karaboğaz Stream, Kurdun Stream, Abdal Stream. Dams: Samsun is the biggest dam in Turkey with 8 dam. Altınkaya Dam and HEPP Hasan Uğurlu Dam and HEPP Suat Ugurlu Dam and HEPP Derbent Dam and HEPP Cakmak Dam Demirözü Dam Vezirköprü Dam Ondokuzmayıs Dam Hasan Ugurlu Dam and HEPP is a dam constructed on the Yeşilırmak in Ayvacık district, between 1971 and 1981 with the purpose of generating electricity. The volume of the dam is 9.223.000 m³, the height from the riverbed is 135.50 m, the volume of the lake at normal water level is 1,073,75 hm³, the water level at normal water level is 22,66 km². HES (hydroelectric power plant) with 500 MW power capacity produces 1,217 GWh of electricity per year. Suat Uğurlu Dam and HEPP was built on Yeşilırmak between 1975 and 1981 with the objective of producing irrigation and electricity. The volume of the dam, which is a rock body fill type, is 2.151.000 m³, the height from the river bed is 38.00 m, the lake volume is 182,00 hm³ in normal water level and the lake area is 9,70 km² in normal water level. The dam serves an irrigation area of 83,312 hectares and HES, with a capacity of 46 MW, produces 273 GWh of electricity per year. Altınkaya Dam and HEPP is a dam and hydroelectric power plant built on Kızılırmak in Bafra province. Altınkaya Dam, which is located in the Lower Kızılırmak project and is made of rock-fill type, has a lake area of 74.5 km². The volume of water collection is 5 billion 673 million m³. The construction of the dam was completed in 1988 for electric energy production and for flood prevention purposes. Altınkaya Dam's waters each feed four units of 175 MW (total 700 MW). The first two units from four corpses were produced in 1987 and the other two from the hydroelectric power plant, which was commissioned in 1988, produce 1 billion 632 million KWh of energy per year.Lakes
Samsun is rich in terms of the lake. Lake Ladik: The lake, which is 12 km east of Ladik and has an area of 870 hectares. Besides the fishes it hosts, it is a very interesting natural site area with its floating islets (Torf mine). It is surrounded by trees and it is an important recreation area with its clean air that heals people. Fish Lake, Simenit Lake, Lake Kargali, Akgöl, Lake CylinderPlates
Ladik Plateau: The distance to the city is 7 km. The road is stabilizable and you can go to any vehicle. There are plateau houses and water. Aktaş Plateau: Altitude of 950 meters and distance to the city is 9 km. The road is asphalt and all kinds of vehicles can go. Plateau houses are available and have water. In addition, due to the appearance of Ladik Lake in full view, the formation of pine trees covered with pine trees and the decoration of trees on every side, it attracts the people of the district and local people due to the clean plateau air which gives peace to human beings and it is used as a promenade place. Küpecik Plateau: The distance to the city is 23 km. The 9 km portion of the road is asphalt and the road is smooth and smooth, and there are transportation possibilities with all kinds of vehicles. Plateau houses and plenty of water are available. It is said by the people that the water of the plate melts the kidney stones and is used by the public for the treatment of such diseases. Büyükkizoğlu Plateau: The distance of the plateau of 1.600 meters altitude is 10 km. The road is a rough road and you can go on land vehicles. There are plateau houses and water. Çakırgümüş Plateau: The distance to the city is 12 km. The road is a rough road and it is possible to reach with all kinds of vehicles. Plateau houses and water are available. Georgian Plateau: The distance to the city is 1,5 km and the distance to the city is 5 km. The road can be stabilized and all kinds of vehicles can go. Plateau houses and water are available.Climate
The climate of Samsun varies in coastal and inland areas. Coastline Although the Black Sea is moist and the winters are cool, the interior has continental climate under the influence of Akdağ and Canik Mountains. The lowest temperature average is 5.9 ° C and the highest temperature average is 23 ° C.Economy and industry
Today, Samsun is the most important city of the Black Sea Region as the largest province of North Anatolia. The city, which is one of the important trade ports of the Black Sea, conducts direct trade with all the countries in the region, mainly Russia and Ukraine. There are mutual foreign trade transactions with Samsun from 100 different countries of the world. The main products exported are; Citrus fruits, tomatoes, grapes, wheat flour, minibuses, electrical materials. In addition, Samsun, which has a very strong port, land, air and rail transportation infrastructure, is the export point in other cities. Samsun industry sector mainly consists of manufacturing industry. Sub sectors that production industry intensifies; Medical equipments and products, textile, furniture, mainly metals, copper, machinery, tobacco, paper and paper products, chemical industry and auto spare parts industry. 47% of the surface area of Samsun consists of agricultural areas. The main crops grown in the region; Cereals, legumes, industrial plants, oil seeds and tuber plants. In addition, wheat, corn, rice and tobacco are also grown. Samsun has become a city specializing in organic farming with the recent investments. Especially products such as organic watermelon and ecological eggs are sent from Samsun to domestic and abroad. Samsun port and customs city establish connection points with foreign countries and provide foreign currency entry. In the city, which is the transfer route of large natural gas reserves to neighboring big oil deposits of the world, there are underground riches such as lignite coal, hot spring water and mineral water.Education
In the 2006-07 academic year, 256,827 students were taught with 13,649 teachers in 1,680 schools at primary and secondary level. These numbers are the same on average for each academic year. There are 187,207 students and 8,989 teachers in 1,084 primary schools, including 1,048 elementary schools, 20 boarding primary school districts, 7 private elementary schools and 9 special education schools in cities and villages. There are 58 schools in total, 1.980 teachers, 3318 students in 1,018 classrooms, 32 students per classroom and 16 students per teacher. In the vocational high school, there are 1,578 teachers in 50 schools, 21,734 students in 806 classrooms, 26 students per classroom, 13 students per teacher. There are 6 private schools. These; Ted Samsun College, Final Samsun College, Feza-Berk College, Şahinoğlu College, Duruşehir College, Ezgililer Koleji. This number will reach 7 with Bahçeşehir College, which has been started to work on construction and envisaged to be trained for the 2011-2012 academic year. At the same time there are more than 70 private classrooms. Ondokuz Mayıs University is continuing education activities with 13 faculties, 1 conservatory, 3 colleges, 9 vocational schools offering 2 years education and 5 institutes. With the Canik Success University, which will start training in the 2012-2013 academic year, the city area will also be the only two university city to feature. The university is in the first stage; Will start its academic activities with 4 faculties and 2 institutes (science, social sciences) including economics and administrative sciences, architecture and engineering, science-literature and education.Health
While the rate of public hospitals in Turkey is 76%, it is 82% in Blacksea Region and 86% in Samsun Province. The proportion of private hospitals in the Black Sea Region is very low and 4% in Turkey and 14% in Samsun. Looking at the number of beds, it is seen that the number of beds in public hospitals in Turkey and in the region as a whole and in Samsun province is high. There are 11 state hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health, 1 educational and research hospital, 4 branch hospitals, 1 oral and dental health center, 125 health centers and 118 health centers. All these units have 6,211 employees. There are 6 private hospitals. These; 'Great Anatolian Farm Hospital', 'Great Anatolian Square Hospital', 'Medical Park Hospital', 'Samsun Park Hospital', 'Atasam Hospital' and 'Mediva Hospital'. This number will reach 7 with the 'Medicana Hospital' which will be opened in 2011 and take the title of the biggest hospital of the Black Sea. Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine has the best health, application and research hospital in the Black Sea Region in its field. This area is shown as one of the first 7 universities in Turkey. Ondokuz Mayıs University Children's Hospital, opened in May 2006, is second in terms of size after Hacettepe University Children's Hospital in Turkey.Social and cultural life
Samsun, which is the metropolis of the Black Sea in terms of society, had a serious non-Muslim population until the beginning of the 20th century. [6] During the population exchange with Greece, the city's Christian population was sent to this country, and immigrants from Greece and some Balkan countries were placed in the city. Albanian immigrants from Kosovo were placed near Bafra after the Balkan wars. In addition to this, after the Ottoman-Russian war known as 93 War, it was also the settlement of Circassians from the North Caucasus to the city. Today, the population of the city center is the immigration of the Balkans, the Caucasian immigrants and the Eastern Black Sea people who settled in the city during the republican period and the city itself. Samsun, which looks like a seaside town, The planned coastal road, East Park, completed West Park, etc. have been reconciled with the sea and have modern facilities. In recent years, visible contributions have been made to the cultural activities of local municipalities. The Samsun-based literary magazine "Passenger" published on national basis is the best example. In addition, content is provided for many literary magazines broadcasting in Istanbul based on national standards. Cinemas and artistic activities: There are 5 cinemas and 2 private theaters in Samsun, where current film screenings are performed. These; Konak Cinema, Galaxy Farm Cinema, Galaxy Cinema, Yeşilyurt AVM AFM Cinema, Makromarket AVM Cinema. The Performing Arts Performers and the Samsun Art Theater, which made various screenings in various regions of Turkey, are working for the life of theater culture, which has an important place in the traditions of Samsun. Founded on May 19, 2008, Samsun State Opera and Ballet is the only opera and ballet of the Black Sea Region, After Istanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Mersin and Antalya, it is the sixth state opera and bale. Although it has been a very short time since its establishment, the institution has achieved great success and it ranks 4th among the 6 institutions with the number of tickets in the past 2009-2010 season (first ticket sales period). The summer tournament he performed the same year also became the opera-ballet director who organized the most tour of the season. The institution also realized its first world premiere in the 2010/2011 art season with the 'Amazons' ball. In addition, the Samsun State Theater, which was established in the first quarter of 2009, presents contemporary theater shows with Samsun art lovers. In addition to private theaters, Samsun, where local art and literature, which the local culture has given birth to, has developed a variety of entertaining and special theatrical performances on special occasions, especially by local youngsters. Among these games are colorful displays such as Arabic, Deveci, Berber, Miller's Uncle, Caravan, Helvac, Camser, Köroğlu, Kahya, Drunk, Land Taxi, Partridge Avı, Cıdırmaç. Folklore: There are various folk dances brought by Balkan and Caucasian immigrants in the region. [7] Drums, zurna and kaval are the basic local instruments. Monuments: Ataturk, which was built by Austrian sculptor Heinrich Krippel between 1928 and 1931, became a symbol of Samsun and Ataturk was depicted with military clothes on the horse. At the memorial park, there are relief figures which emphasize Atatürk's exit to Samsun and National Struggle. The Ilkadım Monument at Ataturk Boulevard is located on the outskirts of Ataturk to Samsun on 19 May 1919 to start the National Struggle. The monument symbolizing the exit to Samsun, the young girl holding a wreath in his hand, and the male sculpture with pigeon completes the sculpture. Müller: Atatürk Museum, founded in 1968 and made of marble, exhibits various historical photographs with special items of the Great Leader. There is pool, sculpture and relief figures on the front of the museum. The Gazi Museum was transformed from the Mantıka Palace Hotel in 1930 when Ataturk stayed in Samsun and was transformed into a museum. Photographs are exhibited with the products used by Atatürk in the museum. The museum ship Bandirma Vaporetta, which was built on the eastern park shore after it was built as a unit, was opened in 2001. There are wax sculptures of gun friends from Ataturk and Samsun on the ship. In the Samsun Ethnography Museum, there are historical artifacts that appeared in the excavations made in and around Samsun. Amisos Treasury, mosaics and Bafra have been in the museum since 1974, and there are thousands of historical works dating from the excavations at Ikiztepe. Atatürk Museum: The Atatürk Museum, which was built as a 19 May Gallery within the old fairground area of Samsun, was opened on July 1, 1968. Built entirely of stone and colored marble, the museum building has a monumental and influential appearance. The steps on the front and the frescoes representing the War of Independence in a frieze give movement to the building. 114 works belonging to Atatürk are exhibited in the museum. The works in the museum are exhibited in three sections. There are various books about Atatürk in the entrance and exit departments, photographs arranged according to a chronological order taken by Ataturk upon his arrival in Samsun. A tabloda museum consisting of local tobacco leaves that the Samsuns presented to Atatürk is exhibited. Atatürk's hats, costumes, gloves, clothing items, arms, walking sticks, dinner sets etc. brought from the Anıtkabir Museum in the large saloon showcases in the back. Products are exhibited. Right at the exit of the middle hall; A section where state officials visiting the museum rested during their visits and expressed their impressions of their visits in written form. Havza Atatürk House: It is a 3-storey building thought to have been built in the early 1900's. While serving in the name of Masudiye Hotel, M. Kemal Pasha was assigned to his residence by Mayor Fahri Bey, the district governor at the time, along with the receipt of Havza on 25 May 1919. The building's room, which was operated between 25 May and 13 June 1919, was kept with its belongings and kept open to visitors under the name of Gazi Chamber. Until 1984, parts of the building other than the Gazi Room were used as municipal service buildings. In 1993, the provincial administration of the provincial government with the financial support of the repair was opened in the district. In 2001, the Ministry of Culture restored the building and presented it again in 2002 in the name of Havza Headquarters of Mustafa Kemal Pasha. The ground floor, which had previously been used for the Municipal Fire Brigade, was restored after the unit was moved to its own building and allocated to the Directorate of Public Education Center and turned into a time evaluation environment for the tourists staying in the capitals as well as exhibiting and marketing their works for the trainees Possibility. On the second floor Ataturk's study room, bedroom, basin room and rest room were reorganized together with the goods used at that time. On the third floor, Amasya, Sivas, Erzurum and Ankara rooms were arranged for the preparations of the National Struggle. The works carried out at these times in these rooms are reflected in the pictures and writings. In addition, ethnographic and folkloric materials are exhibited in the doubles halls. Gazi Museum: The Gazi Museum was opened at the Mantıka Palas in Samsun Municipality. When Ataturk came to Samsun on the morning of 19th May 1919 as an Inspector of the 9th Army Constitutional Inspector and came out from the Bandirma Vaporetto and landed on the land, he was welcomed with enthusiasm and hosted in the best building of the city, Mantıka Palas. This was a two-story stone building. It was built as a hotel in 1902 year. Atatürk 's coming to Samsun could not be heard, the hotel was closed in those days, opened by order of Mutasarrift, martyrs were moved from the military hospital was laid. Atatürk stayed in this building for a week and the National Struggle he initiated in Anatolia first opened this building. After the declaration of Republic, Atatürk came to Samsun for the second time on 20 September 1924 with his wife Latife Hanım, this time being a guest of Samsun Sahinzade Remzi Bey. That day when he first came to Samsun, the old Logic Palas was presented to him as a municipality, Atatürk was very touched. After the departure from Samsun, the municipality built and laid out the building, protected as Atatürk Evi. Atatürk who came to Samsun for the third time on September 16, 1928, had two nights in his house for three days and his fourth coming on November 28, 1930 for four nights and five days. The upper floor rooms of Atatürk House of Samsun were arranged as Atatürk's bedroom, study room, meeting room. The Gazi Library, which opened on the lower floor in 1930, served until 1972 and later the library moved from there. The Gazi Museum, organized by Samsun Municipality, is the first page of the National Struggle History, and even a foreword. In this respect, the value of history is great. Bandırma Vapuru: "Bandırma Vapuru" which is an important means of bringing Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and 18 fateful friends to Samsun on the road to the Republic of Turkey, and as a means of starting the National Struggle is now always in Samsun. Bandırma Vapuru is the most important means of representing the date of May 19, 1919 in Samsun and East Park coast, where it has always been anchored to stay there. Bandırma Vaporetu is missing an original sample in Samsun, With the participation of special provincial administrations in the 2000-01 investment program, tender was started on 09.05.2000 and its construction started. 3000 m2 area, 2000 m² of which is on land and 1000 m² of which is on the sea, has been allocated to the provincial private administrations for 29 years for the construction of ships and museums. Ship, Taşkınlar Gemi Sanayi Tic. It was made by AŞ and delivered on April 15, 2001. On board the museum, Atatürk and 18 of his friends are still in their original dimensions. Dr. There is a saloon, captain's corner and other places to find wax sculptures made at Yılmaz Büyükerşen's atelier. Samsun food: Various sea and freshwater fishery fountains can be made in and around Samsun. Fresh water fish such as carp, spring, sea bass, trout and pike can also be served in restaurants in Samsun, which has the opportunity to eat anchovy, red bean, horse mackerel, mullet, mezzanine, ginekop, bonito and shield according to the season. Various soups and meats with ground beets, corn, black cabbage and anchovy added are also known as original dishes of Samsun region. However, Samsun pides known as "Black Sea" have won the appreciation of Turkish people especially in Bafra and Termeli entrepreneurs' bakeries opened in big cities, especially in Istanbul. Besides, the food called "tirit" which is made with goose (also made with turkey, duck and chicken) in Ladik and Kavak districts is very famous. Important herb varieties are lorgon, hors d'oeuvre, roasted (potato), paprika, roast or soup made from herbs. Highway: Samsun is located on the Black Sea Highway. Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz Intercity Bus Terminal is located outside the city and is easily accessible to the city by minibus and bus services. Seaway: The ferry service in Samsun is carried out in June-August. The port is in the city center. Airline: Çarşamba Airport is 19 km away from the city center. It is possible to reach the airport by means of shuttle vehicles which are located in front of THY office in the city center. Railway: Samsun-Sivas and Samsun-Amasya railway connections are available. The station is located in the city center. Light Rail System: The rail system between the station and the university carries an average of 90,000 passengers per day and facilitates internal transportation.Tourism
Samsun has one of the longest coastlines of the Black Sea. Most of this beach consists of beaches suitable for entering the sea. The main beaches of the city are Mert Beach, Fener Beach, Bandirma Beach, Atakum and Atakent Beaches, Yakakent, Alaçam, Bafra and Terme beaches. It is made up of natural beaches close to all the beaches in the region. There are also various accommodation and entertainment facilities in these areas. The Milic Pines and Shores, which stretch from Terme's Yalı neighborhood to Akçay, As well as a clean beach and sandy beach. In this place where you have to see and see, the blue sea meets with the greenery of the pines. Central districts: The city center is divided into four central districts, with seventeen provinces of Samsun province. These are Atakum, Canik, İlkadım and Tekkeköy. Center districts' population İlkadım: 318.885 Atakum: 105.764 Canik: 70.044 Tekkeköy: 36.728Other districts
Terme: It is 57 km away from the city center. The population is 30,250. 5 km away from the provincial center of the district was established. Milic and Cobanite owners are used to enter the sea. There are 58 villages. In the district, rice, nuts, corn, wheat, vegetables and fruits are grown. In terms of climate, Black Sea Climate is seen in summers and winters are cool, and there are not many characteristics of Terrestrial Climate. Alaçam: 78 km west of Samsun is a district. It is ideal for entering the sea with its forest consisting of sandy beaches, plane trees, poplar and taflan trees. Asarcik: It is located 44 km south of the city center. The Gökgöl Mosque, built in 1180 in the district, is a good example of the wooden mosque architecture style. Bafra: Distance to the city center is 51 km. The rock tombs, glass, baths and fountains in the county are worth seeing. Wednesday: The distance to the city center is 37 km. Tepecik, Kilise Tepe and Tünbü Tepe mounds, which are the first Bronze settlements in the district, have been identified. Göðceli Mosque, built in 1206, is one of the most beautiful examples of Anatolian timber architecture. The most important feature of the glass is that it is made without any nails. Basin: The distance of İlçenin to Samsun is 86 km. Thermal tourism also has an important place in the district. A large number of tumuli and tumuli were found after the archaeological investigations in the district. 10 km from the town center. The water of the Ladik Kaplıcası in the distance has been determined as the first and most important hot spring water in Turkey. Ninety-nine: 33 km away from the city center. The Nebyan Forests and its surroundings form the natural beauty as well as the highland festivals that are held in the district. The cleanest sea and sand of the region is located on the shore of the Yörükler site. Vezirköprü: The distance to the city center is 116 km. Fazil Ahmet Pasha Mosque and Bedesten and Taşkale Mosque are important artifacts in the district. Yakakent: The distance to the city center is 84 km. The county boasts of the county's wealth of natural beauty. The green hills covered with pine forests meet with the blue waters. The natural beaches that are ideal for entering the sea in yakakent coasts lie inside the forest.
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