The Period of the Republic of Turkey – Chapter 2
The Period of the Republic of Turkey – Chapter 2 These works include those in places like Topkapi Palace and the Konya Mevlana Museum which was turned into museums together with the objects inside them, those obtained from the General Directorate of Trusts, and those from archaeological excavations and donations. In recent years museums have […]

The Period of the Republic of Turkey
The Period of the Republic of Turkey After the announcement of the Republic, a constructive, exciting period “began for Turkish museums. In 1924 it was decided to repair The Period of the Republic: After the announcement of the Republic, a constructive, exciting period “began for Turkish museums. In 1924 it was decided to repair Topkapi […]

Museums of Turkey
Turkey Museums, The first museum in Turkey was established in the middle of the XIX Century. Until then old and valuable Ottoman works of art had been kept in the Enderun Hazinesi and the Religious Relics in the Hirka-i Serif Rooms at Topkapi Palace. In 1846 the Imperial Marshal of the Arsenal, Ahmet Fethi Pasha, […]

Sinop Prison
It is known that Sinop, which surrounds the sea on three sides, is built by Sinop prison, which is high in spiritual value, by Gisaans, who ruled the region about 4000 years ago. The historic prison, built on an area of 13,000 m2, continued to be used by the Seljuks who had captured the city […]

Inaltı Cave
İnaltı Village of Sinop Ili Ayancık District, İncatı Cave, discovered recently, is one of the places that are hard to reach but worth seeing. In 1995, a small amount of funding was sent by the Ministry of Tourism for the project works and in 2001, after a variety of activities such as lighting, environmental regulation, […]

Erfelek Tatlıca Waterfalls
The nature has been hidden for years, and the roads that opened behind the construction of Erfelek Dam in 1997 have turned into the wonders of Erfelek Waterfall discovered by the State Hydraulic Works. The unique feature of this waterfall is that it is made up of a total of 28 waterfalls, small in size. […]