8 thousand years old story: Kodros king of Athens; He has a son who is brave and passionate about nature. Name: Androklos. He, constantly, the Anatolian coasts and islands; They watched with great desire and curiosity. All purpose: to open up these seas as a day, as a command, to see the opposite lands, to get to know and to have beautiful places. A day in which the desires of his own become irresistible; Taking their friends to the clear waters of the Aegean. All the gods help them, and for days; Lush green bushes, sequential islands and marshlands. Then; One day, the gods bring their ships, a beautiful koya. Androklos and his friends are very impressed when they see this beautiful bay. Here; There are islands, hills and lovely valleys lying between them. On the other hand; A river (Small Menderes), which is watered by a large flat plain, curving and flowing into the curvature. The places they see will make them forget Athens and even Greece. Androklos will make a decision, he will make a corner of these beautiful places, a home for himself.
But; According to beliefs, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the gods and priests to build a city. Androklos; He immediately sends a friend to the priests in the holy temple in Delphi. They say this place, the place where the city is to be set up, will give you a fish, a pig will lead you. Yeah; Androklos and his friends can not solve the hash of these interesting words for a long time.
From there, it takes a while. One day; They want to fry the fish they eat and cook while they are cooking the whole fish, they start to escape by grabbing a pork jumper and fish from the shovels. Androklos jumps to his horse and starts to follow the pig. After a while, with the arrow, the pig is killed and washed away. At that moment; The whispers say the mind comes and makes sense of what is said. This means that the city must be built here, ie where the pig has died.
Yeah; In the same place, Ephesus is established. This story of the city's first foundation, then, works on the wall of Hadrian's Temple with friezes. It can be seen today.
That's the story of the city. The writers of ancient times say, Upon the Dorian invasion, the Ionians settled on the Aegean coast; They come to Ephesus and settled in town. But; When they came, there was already an indigenous people living here. Or is it possible to build a big city with a handful of sailors from Greece? According to historians; The people who lived in the region before, the ancient Anatolian nations were composed of the Karialis and Lelegs. Before the Greeks came; Where there was a main goddess called Kybele. Until the emergence of Christianity, in these regions, this mother goddess was dominated by the mullet. This, too, It is the greatest proof that the old people did not leave here after the Greeks came. Moreover, the finds discovered in excavations made today in Ephesus prove that the history of the city dates back to the Hittites. Even; The city, the old people, the women warriors, that is, the Amazon. Because; The city believed that "Ephesos", the name given to these women warriors and the city, was a beautiful amazon. Along with that; The Ephesians were also very much in love and respect for Androklos, who managed to get them to a high level of life in a short time and to rule them well. As a matter of fact, they make him king soon. But; The most interesting is that there is no remains left from this first established city. The place is not even known clearly, it is only guessed. But; Today it is now certain that this city, which was first established, is on the hill and around the castle.
Yeah; Story, information, document, rhetoric, that's all for the first establishment of the city. As a result; If it is believed to be believed, the city is being built in some way.
Let us continue with the developments in the historical process. Androklos, a king and his descendants, continued the kingdom administration for a long time. Then, when the administration worsened, there was confusion and anarchy. The people revolted and took over the kingdom. This time; Tyrants came to work. Tyrants who took power from Jesus about 600 years ago; In the city, he was willing to establish a people's council.
But; King and city governors, no matter how good or peaceful they are; Within the world of Ephesus and Aegean; A warless, peaceful life was never possible in the historical process. From the nations of the East, there has always been a danger of war. The Lydians and Persians, who want to reach the sea and go to Greece from there, are constantly threatened by the region, especially because of the convenient port of Ephesus. Then; The Lydians who made the city of Sardis (Sardes) near Salihli today the capital; Has entered the circuit. The famous king of the Lydians, Croesus (Krezus) and his army; Ephesus rested on his doors and took possession of the city. But; The city did not interfere with the life of the people and the happy years of the people continued. Ephesians; In their homes and in their work, they lived in peace again, and they came under the burden of giving a little tax only to the Lydians. This, too, was a very normal result at that time.
Then; The Persians from Iran are based on the region. The capital of the Lydians enter the city of Sart, they burn down. Not too soon, they will stand on the doors of Ephesus. But; The Persian army does not destroy the city of Ephesus, who does not participate in other rebellious cities. Whereas; Burns out all the other Ion cities in the region. Ephesus will continue to pay taxes again. The people and especially the administrators; The political role in the region has really prevented the city from being burned down in the face of all kinds of danger. In the face of events; They carry out very good political tactics.
BC 6th century: in science, art and culture, along with Miletus city, is at the forefront. The wise Heraclitus, the dreamer Artemidoros, the poet Callinos and Hipponaks, grammatical knowledge such as Zenodotos, physicians Soranos and Rufus; Those who shot the stamp of ancient times, were brought here. Also; Artemis was made in Ephesus, the greatest temple of the cult, and considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world.
By the way; The port starts to fill up in time. Small Menderes river: from the mountains to the bay, which they take away from the valleys, the port becomes bog. Then, it becomes a nest for mosquitos. This situation threatens the health and future of people in the city. Especially; Malaria is common. To clear the harbor, large amounts of money are needed and the Ephesus can not afford it.
Due to the port being filled, the ships can not approach.
Exactly at this point; A rich person becomes a king. This person; On the death of Alexander the Great, one of the generals who share the land of possession; It's Lysimakhos. (299 BC)
This general; A clever man. As a spoils of war, he brought a great treasure beside him and kept it in Bergama. However, rather than clearing the harbor from the swamp, he thinks it would be more logical and economical to build a new city. For this, when it seeks a suitable place; It chooses between the Fairy Mountain and Bülbül Dağı, a quaint valley. He talks with his architects and asks the new city to be established here. A lot of money, workers fill up, the construction is completed shortly. The new city is also at sea and also safe. The view of the city is very beautiful. He makes long and wide walls on the mountains, so that any danger may come. (These can now be seen on the way to Mother Mary's House.)
Yes; The new city is established, is it the name? Lysimakhos; The name of the daughter of the Egyptian king, namely the name of Arsinoe.
The people of Ephesus will not be happy with the establishment of this new city. Because; The new city needs to get away from the Temple of Artemis which is very important for them. The new city; 2 km from the temple. Away. Therefore; They do not accept to settle in the new city for a long time. The General is; And because of this, the new city has placed two sides of the holy path surrounding the Panayir Mountain, so that they will stay away from the air of Artemis. In fact, the legendary first founder of the city, Androklos' monumental grave, was just around the corner. Although the streets and streets cut each other at right angles in the new city, this sacred route route had never been altered, possibly to respect religious beliefs. Today, you will see the Curetler cadet and its continuation, Marble Street, made on this sacred road.
Then; Days go by. As the rains begin, the general makes a brilliant plan and closes the city's water channels. On top of that, all Ephesus and their houses; It succeeds. People; He understands that he can not resist it and settles in the new city. Thus: the first settlements of the new city of Ephesus, which will last for a thousand years, have begun. Today; When you visit Ephesus, you will see numerous buildings, dating from this city. Naturally, during the next Roman and Byzantine periods, settlement continued here. New city; Consisting of two great places, up and down, passing the holy path; Dividing the city into two. If this artery is the biggest stop; The Herons were in position.
City; In 1901, it became the dominion of the Romans. The Romans, after becoming a great empire, tied the people of their places to heavy taxes. Roman officers; They make Ephesus the center of the region. Everything is taxed from customs to agriculture. However, most of these officials; Bad-tempered people. In this period: besides Roman dominance, the empire of Pontus which is strengthened in the region is seen. The efforts of Pontus king Mithridates to dominate the region ultimately result in the conquest of the region. Yes, the region is dominated by the Pontus. King of Pontus; Save the people from a great trouble, the tax ends, the sacred construction is not touched. Only; The 80,000-strong immigrant community from Rome is killed in one day by King Mithridas. This event, as the greatest destruction of the ages of those ages, "Ephesus Massacre" is passed by the name.
In the following process; In Ephesus, Roman domination is seen again. Because: the year of 87 BC, in December: a popular uprising begins in Ephesus and Pontus domination in the region ends. Ephesus, the first city to be the main gate between East and West and made entirely of marble; Due to its important port, its location, being the most important political and commercial center of the era; In the Roman era, it becomes the capital of Asia.
It's 17 years. One night, against the sake of sabay, the whole of Ionia is shaken. Ephesus; In this earthquake, it becomes one of the most affected cities. Most of the houses and temples are destroyed and the streets become impassable. Hundreds, thousands dead and wounded. Because the public buildings were made of stone, they were a great danger to their collapse. However, the fact that most of the houses were covered with timber and roof tiles enabled people living there to survive with less damage. On the Temple of Artemis; There was not much damage. However, in the history of the city of Ephesus, such quakes never ceased. In the following periods; In the years of MS.24, 262, 359 and 366, again, great trembling occurred.
Yes, the Ephesians reconstructed the cities in the Roman period, the earthquake, in the time of the Roman emperor Tiberius. But; This time, instead of a hellish structural style, all the Efes, Roma features with dollars. Especially; I and II in the nineteenth century; Ephesus lives the golden age. Roman emperors; This beautiful city will finally give the necessary attention. In fact, many will come and stay here for a while. Thus, after Alexandria, Ephesus is the greatest city in the East and its population is over 200,000.
During the Byzantine period; By the Byzantine emperor Justinian (527-565), the city is relocated again and comes to the Ayasuluğ Tepesi in Selçuk, which was first established and established around the St.Jean Basilica.
In 1330, city Turks come. Ayasuluğ, the center of Aydınoğulları; Starting from the 16th century, it begins to shrink gradually.
Yeah; In the historical process; Since Ephesus has changed its place 5 times, the remains of the city; 8 km. Spread over a wide area. As Ayasuluğ Tepesi, Artemision, Ephesus and Selçuk, the ruins in the four main regions are visited by an average of 1.5 million local and foreign tourists per year. Remnants seen today; It belongs to the third generation of the city of Ephesus.
Ephesus, one of the most famous cities in the first century, was built near the bay where the waters of the Küçük Menderes river were drained. The land that is suitable for agriculture, the great trade route that opens to the East, idolatry is a very important religious center in the Christian era, and the tarihe is a big city. In science and art world, he has made his name known and has brought up famous people. These are dream dancer Ardemidotus, poets Callinos and Hipponax, philosopher Heraclitus, painter Parrhasius, grammatical knowledge Zenodotos, physicians Soranos and Rufus. The history of Ephesus dates back to around 6,000 BC, revealing the finds unearthed in Arvalya and Çukuriçi mounds in recent years.
Excavations at Ayasuluk Hill show that there is continuous settlement from the Early Bronze Age to the present day. This proves that the ancient Ephesus was on top of Ayasuluk and that it was ruled by the Anatolian tribes and the Hittites. It is also certain that the city that used to be Apasas in Hittite written texts was this city. Ancient writers such as Strabon and Pausinias, historical Herodotus, and Ephesian poet Callinos point to the fact that Ephesus was founded by the Amazons and that the indigenous people were Caleids and Lelegates.
In the 11th century BC, Androklos, the son of Kodros king of Athens, came to Anatolia like other colonists and settled in the vicinity of Ephesus. According to my opinion; Androklos counseled the brothers before they set out to set up a new city. The messenger tells him that the fish will be shown by a fish and wild boar, which is going to be a town. As Androklos, stepping in the Anatolian coast with his men, cooks the fish they caught in the pan while sparking sparks that sprang from a panache. A wild boar behind the robbers flees afraid of flames. He remembers what the Andraklos kahin said and rides his horse and follows the wild boar and kills him and builds the city where he killed the wild boar. This myth is described in the friezes of the Hadrian Temple. The original of these reliefs are exhibited in Efes Museum.
The road between the State Agora and the Celsus Library is the Curetler Street. It has received this name because it is the way of the bill, which has six members who play an important role in the administration of the city and change every year (religious leaders). Behind the columns on either side of the street are shops and sculptures of famous figures of Ephesus. The city's largest sewer system is under this marble-lined courtyard.