The Hunername Topkapi Palace Istanbul – Chapter 2
The Hunername Topkapi Palace Istanbul, On the order of Murad III Osman was promoted to the post of chief miniature painter for the palace. He painted more than 600 miniatures, including all those in the Surname (a work written in celebration of the circumcision of a prince) and the Semailname tan account of someone’s physical […]

The Hunername Topkapi Palace – Chapter 1
The Hunername Topkapi Palace Museum, Among the officials in the Palace organization of the Ottoman State were the Chroniclers (Sheynameci) who used to record in verse and prose daily events, the personality of the sultans, and the details of their battles and campaigns. The chroniclers were sometimes called ‘vaka nuvis’ or ‘history writer’. The Ottoman […]

The Golden Cradle in Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul – Chapter 2
The Golden Cradle in Topkapi Palace Museum, In Ottoman palaces, a traditional ceremony called the Cradle Ceremony was always held for the children of the sultan. The ceremony was as follows: As soon as a child of the Sultan was born five animals were sacrificed if it was a boy, and three if it was […]

The Golden Cradle in Topkapi Palace Museum – Chapter 1
The Golden Cradle in Topkapi Palace Museum Istanbul – Chapter 1, Among the works of greatest artistic and material value in the Treasury of Topkapi Palace are examples of Ottoman wood carving and inlay. They include thrones, chests of drawers, and chairs, decorated with gold, silver and precious stones. Among these is the golden cradle […]

The Museums of Kahramanmaras – Kars and Kastamonu
Kahramanmaras – Kars and Kastamonu Museums in Turkey, KAHRAMANMARAS MUSEUM Kahramanmaras Museum was established temporarily in 1963 in the Casino building on top of Kahramanmaras Castle and opened to the public. In 1976 after the construction of a new museum building was completed Kahramanmaras Museum was opened to the public. Most of the works in […]

Derinkuyu Underground City in Cappadocia Turkey
Derinkuyu Underground City in Cappadocia Turkey, The first two stories contain kitchens, storage chambers, bedrooms, dining halls, wine cellars, stables, and toilets, whereas the third and fourth stories consist of places of hiding, churches, armories, and tunnels. The tunnels form connecting links with some underground cities near Derinkuyu so that the population could save their […]

Kayseri Archaeological Museum and Kultepe Museum
Kayseri Archaeological Museum and Kultepe Museum in Turkey, THE MUSEUMS OF KAYSERI Steps were taken to gather museum objects before 192 and store them in Kayseri High School. But serious work only began in Kayseri in 1930 when the Hudavend Hatun Medrese, a Seljuk period building, was repaired and turned into a museum. The number […]

Izmir Ataturk Museum and Tire Museum
Ataturk Museum and Tire Museum in Izmir, Izmir Ataturk Museum: Ataturk House and Ataturk Museum in Izmir are situated on Ataturk Boulevard in the district of Gundogdu. Ataturk House was built from 1860-1862, used as a hotel for a while, then in 1927 bought by the Izmir Municipality who presented it to Ataturk. Ataturk stayed here […]

Pergamon Museum Izmir Turkey
Pergamon Museum, Pergamon Museum was first established in 1924 as a depot in the Bergama Acropolis. Then it moved to a new building where it was opened to the public in 1936. The museum consists of an inner courtyard surrounded by two penthouses and two rooms. In the penthouse to the left of the entrance […]

Ephesus Archaeological Museum
Originally Ephesus Archaeological Museum has established on the road to the ruins of Ephesus in the sub-province of Selcuk 70 km. away from Izmir. When this building became too small to hold all the objects uncovered by excavations that had been taking place since 1897, a new building was constructed which was opened to the […]