Miletus (Miletus): Miletus, Aydin Province, 30 km from Söke within the borders of Söke. It is in the distance and near Akköy.
The first excavations in Milet were in 1899, Th. It was initiated by Wiegand and continued until 1938. The work started again after the Second World War is still carried out by German experts with excavations and repairs.
B.C. In 38, the city acquired autonomy with special interest of Roman emperors. Thus Miletos met the metropolitan level among the Ionian cities. M.S. Beginning in the 3rd century, this bright period began to deteriorate gradually. The city began to be abandoned as the harbors swamped alluvium, swirled around, and the malaria reached dangerous dimensions. During the Byzantine period, the borders of the city had narrowed considerably and the buildings were gathered around the theater. The walls were rebuilt and some buildings were restored. M.S. The efforts made to advance in the 6th century did not last long.
Milet is a port city in the foundation, and is now in the sea because the harbor was filled with alluviums brought by the Great Menderes river. In the city, the grid plan is applied and the constructions are located in the form prescribed by this plan. Among the structures in the city, the Roman age structure, which had a capacity of 15,000 people and was restored in recent years, Roman Baths built in the 1st century BC, Delphinion, the main religious center, North Agora, M.S. Ionic Stoa of the 1st century, Capito baths, Gymnasium, Bouleterion built in the 2nd century, 164×196 m. South Agora, M.S. Faustina Bath, built in the 2nd century, becomes important.