The Museums of Izmit-Kocaeli, First steps to establish a museum in the main city of the province of Kocaeli, Izmit, were taken in 1938. Archaeological findings from excavations at the site of the Izmit Paper Factory and other works from the region were first stored in Merkez and then in Sumer primary school. In 1947 […]

Around Urgup Town in Cappadocia Turkey
Around Urgup Town in Cappadocia Turkey, Saruhan (Caravanserai) It was built as caravan serai on the highway of Konya, Aksaray and Kayseri by Se!auks (1238) (It is 10 km. far from Urgup on the Avanos road). Library Of Tahsin Aga It is a 19th-century building located on the Temenni Hill. It is the first library […]

Dolmabahce Palace Museum Istanbul – Chapter 3
Dolmabahce Palace Museum of Istanbul, Dolmabahce Palace is of significance in our parliamentary history. As soon as Abdulhamid II assumed the throne the First Ottoman Deputies Assembly met here, on March 19, 1877, and later it was here that Mithat Pasha and his colleagues were arrested. After the declaration of the Republic Ataturk first came […]

Istanbul Dolmabahce Palace Museum – Chapter 2
Dolmabahce Palace Museum in Istanbul, The construction and decoration of the palace cost close to 4 million pieces of gold, it is highly embellished and baroque in style. Abdulmecid found this palace too luxurious and could never refrain from commenting to men of state who visited him: This palace is much too ornate. A plainer […]

Dolmabahce Palace Museum – Chapter 1
Dolmabahce Palace Istanbul, It is impossible to describe briefly all the masterpieces of civil architecture which adorn Istanbul. The palaces and pavilions, historical mansions and seaside villas. They are living examples of our architectural history, built in the styles of various periods. We should rejoice when they have not been demolished or burned down, and […]

The first steps to establish a museum containing items among the trust works of the General Directorate of Trusts were taken in 1914. That same year Islamic period works from mosques, tombs, tekkes etc. were placed in the Imaret (soup kitchen) of the Suleymaniye Mosque Kulliye and called the Trust Museum of Islam. In 1927 […]

Istanbul Military Museums
Military Museums of Istanbul, Istanbul Military Museum: The military museum was opened in 1959 in the gymnasium of the former Military College in Istanbul. The museum contains the weapons used by the Turkish army over the past hundreds of years, and various military equipment and documents. All the items are arranged in chronological order as […]

Rumeli Fortress Museum and Anadolu Fortress Istanbul
The Fortress Museums of Istanbul, Rumeli Fortress Museum: This is situated on the European side of the Bosphorus. In 1452 before the Ottoman Sultan Fatih Mehmed besieged Istanbul, he built this fortress in order to secure control of the Bosphorus and prevent the city receiving aid from this quarter. It is situated opposite Anadolu Fortress at […]

Saint Sophia Museum (Hagia Sophia Museum) Istanbul
Hagia Sophia Museum Istanbul, Saint Sophia is both a museum and a monument in itself. Saint Sophia was built during the time of the Emperor Justinianus, construction being begun in 532 AD and completed in 537 AD. It is generally agreed however that the original structure was built at the time of Emperor Constantine the […]

Turkish and Islamic Art Museum Istanbul
Turkish and Islamic Art Museum, This museum is in the district of Suleyrnaniye in Istanbul. It is situated in the soup kitchen building of the Suleyrnaniye Kulliye which was built by Sultan Suleyman the Law “diver in 1550 to 1557. The museum was affiliated to the Directorate of Trusts in 1914 under the name “Evkaf-i […]