The Ankara Turkish Natural History Museum
Ankara Turkish Natural History Museum The Turkish Natural History Museum was founded in 1968 by the Institute of Mineral Research in Ankara. The ground floor of the museum contains items of paleontology, while the upper floor concerns miner-ology and petrography. In the paleontology section, there are plant and animal fossils, skeletons, pre-historical finds, and in […]

Ankara Ethnographic Museum
The Ankara Ethnographic Museum One of the first museums established during the period of the Turkish Republic. Construction of a National Museum was begun in 1925 on the recommendation of the Hungarian Turkologist, Meszaros, and completed in 1927. It was opened in 1930 as the Ethnographic Museum, containing examples of ethnography and Turkish art from […]

The Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankara
The Museum of Anatolian Civilisations The stone works in the central hall were brought from centers of the Hittite Empire and the Late Hittite Period, such as Alacahoyuk, Aslantepe, Karkamis, and Sacagozu. There are also bas-reliefs from the Ankara region which belong to the Late Hittite and later periods. The exhibits in the side rooms […]

Ankara Museums
THE MUSEUMS OF ANKARA Museums were founded in Ankara when the Republic was established. Ataturk, who attached great importance to the study of Turkish history, and to the gathering and classification of Turkish cultural and artistic works, first issued directives to establish a National Museum and a Hittite Museum in Ankara, and in 1925 construction […]

The Period of the Republic of Turkey – Chapter 2
The Period of the Republic of Turkey – Chapter 2 These works include those in places like Topkapi Palace and the Konya Mevlana Museum which was turned into museums together with the objects inside them, those obtained from the General Directorate of Trusts, and those from archaeological excavations and donations. In recent years museums have […]

The Period of the Republic of Turkey
The Period of the Republic of Turkey After the announcement of the Republic, a constructive, exciting period “began for Turkish museums. In 1924 it was decided to repair The Period of the Republic: After the announcement of the Republic, a constructive, exciting period “began for Turkish museums. In 1924 it was decided to repair Topkapi […]

Museums of Turkey
Turkey Museums, The first museum in Turkey was established in the middle of the XIX Century. Until then old and valuable Ottoman works of art had been kept in the Enderun Hazinesi and the Religious Relics in the Hirka-i Serif Rooms at Topkapi Palace. In 1846 the Imperial Marshal of the Arsenal, Ahmet Fethi Pasha, […]

Natural History Museum – Cankaya
Founded in 1935 by the commander of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the MTA (General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration) opened the Natural History Museum on 7 February 1968, and this historical museum built on an area of 4000 m2 in the MTA has 3 caves It consists of 5 sections. The bottom floor of the […]

Nata Vega Aquarium
Nata Vega Aquarium, which is home to all kinds of sea creatures living in various regions of the world, though not the sea in the capital city Ankara, Aqua Vega Aquarium, which is also called Aqua Vega Aquarium Ankara, Aquarium General Information Located in the Nata Vega Outlet on the Mamak District of Ankara, Doğukent […]

Lake Eymir – Ankara
Lake Eymir, a small lake within the borders of the capital, is located within the territory of METU (Middle East Technical University). ODTÜ Sports Club Rowing Team is also training at the show. Having a wonderful natural beauty with its unique fauna and flora, Eymir Lake offers a different view of the doner and its […]
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