Istanbul Topkapi Palace and Harem – Chapter 6
Topkapi Palace Museum and Harem, Embroidery Apartment: This section is situated between the Third Gate and the apartment of Akhadim Aga. The two rooms contain embroidered pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths, covers, prayer mats and table mats, satin quivers worked with gold thread, women’s clothes, turbans, purses etc. Weaponry Section: This section roofed with eight domes contains […]

Topkapi Palace Museum Sultanahmet Istanbul – Chapter 5
Topkapi Palace Museum Sultanahmet, Has Room (Hika’i Saadet Apartment): This section is to the northwest of the Third Courtyard. Known as the Has Room it was built by Sultan ‘Mehmet the Conqueror. It consists of two corridors, one with a pool and one with columns, a terrace, and three rooms. From the time of Fatih […]

Sultanahmet Topkapi Palace Museum – Chapter 4
Topkapi Palace Museum in Sultanahmet Istanbul, In the third room is one of the most important works, the lyric poetry cover of Murad III made of gold and decorated with precious stones, and a jeweled throne of Indian make. This throne is in the shape of a wide oval arm chair. It is made of […]

Topkapi Palace Museum – Chapter 3
Topkapi Palace Museum, Also housed in this section is some Japanese and European porcelain, gold and silver services made by Turkish craftsmen, Istanbul porcelain and glass, and kitchen utensils. The Third Gate of Topkapi Palace is called “Babus’saade” and opens onto the Third Courtyard. Festivals always used this gate, which led to the Arz Room, the […]

Istanbul Topkapi Palace Museum – Chapter 2
Famous Istanbul Topkapi Palace Museum, Here is a brief description of those sections of the palace which form the present museum The Kitchens (Chinese porcelains) In the domed and chimneyed kitchens which were built by Sultan ‘Mehmed the Conquerer and enlarged in the time of Sultan Suleyman the Law Giver, food was prepared for a […]

Istanbul Topkapi Palace Museum – Chapter 1
Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul, Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul is one of the world’s largest museums. The palace is located in the oldest part of the city, which today is called Sarayburnu and is one of the seven hills of Istanbul, where there are the remains of several buildings from the Byzantine and pre […]

The Period of the Republic of Turkey – Chapter 2
The Period of the Republic of Turkey – Chapter 2 These works include those in places like Topkapi Palace and the Konya Mevlana Museum which was turned into museums together with the objects inside them, those obtained from the General Directorate of Trusts, and those from archaeological excavations and donations. In recent years museums have […]

The Period of the Republic of Turkey
The Period of the Republic of Turkey After the announcement of the Republic, a constructive, exciting period “began for Turkish museums. In 1924 it was decided to repair The Period of the Republic: After the announcement of the Republic, a constructive, exciting period “began for Turkish museums. In 1924 it was decided to repair Topkapi […]

Museums of Turkey
Turkey Museums, The first museum in Turkey was established in the middle of the XIX Century. Until then old and valuable Ottoman works of art had been kept in the Enderun Hazinesi and the Religious Relics in the Hirka-i Serif Rooms at Topkapi Palace. In 1846 the Imperial Marshal of the Arsenal, Ahmet Fethi Pasha, […]

Istanbul Princes Island
Prices Island Princes Island is the biggest of the islands of Istanbul, known as Prince Islands by nonnatives. The previous name is Prinkipo. As of now “Prinkipo” signifies “enormous” in Greek. On the most astounding pinnacle of the island are the Aya Yorgi Church and Aya Yorgi Monastery. The primary structure there is M.S. It […]