Ephesus Archaeological Museum
Originally Ephesus Archaeological Museum has established on the road to the ruins of Ephesus in the sub-province of Selcuk 70 km. away from Izmir. When this building became too small to hold all the objects uncovered by excavations that had been taking place since 1897, a new building was constructed which was opened to the […]

The Period of the Republic of Turkey – Chapter 2
The Period of the Republic of Turkey – Chapter 2 These works include those in places like Topkapi Palace and the Konya Mevlana Museum which was turned into museums together with the objects inside them, those obtained from the General Directorate of Trusts, and those from archaeological excavations and donations. In recent years museums have […]

The Period of the Republic of Turkey
The Period of the Republic of Turkey After the announcement of the Republic, a constructive, exciting period “began for Turkish museums. In 1924 it was decided to repair The Period of the Republic: After the announcement of the Republic, a constructive, exciting period “began for Turkish museums. In 1924 it was decided to repair Topkapi […]

Museums of Turkey
Turkey Museums, The first museum in Turkey was established in the middle of the XIX Century. Until then old and valuable Ottoman works of art had been kept in the Enderun Hazinesi and the Religious Relics in the Hirka-i Serif Rooms at Topkapi Palace. In 1846 the Imperial Marshal of the Arsenal, Ahmet Fethi Pasha, […]

Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Aegean & Mediterrian
Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Aegean & Mediterrian Bodrum: Another holiday district in Aegea is Bodrum. One can go to Bodrum via Mukla or Didyma. There are fairly good hotels, motels, pensions, and mo-camps in Bodrum. The Bodrum Castle has a historical value. Koyceyiz: Now, the best picture which describes Turkey; sun, […]

Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 6
Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 6 They established these building in the parasite like parts of Turkey. Therefore let’s tell you briefly these places which will satisfy and entertain you in every respect. Bodrum town which is 170 Kms. distance to Akkoy is a resort. We think that it […]

Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 5
Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 5 MILETUS : Passing through the door of the market (This door was made in 165 B.C. and was taken to Berlin Museum by Germans) which shuts the south door having Opera in the North and Lyseum beside, one comes to the great market […]

Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 3
Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 3 THE TEMPLE OF ATHENA: (PRIENE) The oldest and most important building in Priene and the one built one the city, at a height of 96.76 m. above sea-level, was the temple of Athena. As has already been stated, according to the evidence of […]

Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 4
Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 4 THE THEATRE: (PRIENE) Which, is situated in the northeast of the to was one principal work not only of the Hellenistic period in Priene but also throughout antiquity. In spite of the changes and additions made in Roman times the building still retains […]

Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 2
Historical and Touristic Places in the Vicinity of Izmir – Chapter 2 The left picture shows the city centre; Basmane Square. The right picture shows the Clock Tower, the sign of Izmir. The lower picture shows the most beautiful region of Izmir; Kordon Line, which is the amusement center. Nightclubs and restaurants are very dense […]