Pergamon Ancient City in Aegean Coastline of Turkey – Chapter 1

Pergamon: This town which is pronounced by Turks as Bergama has a population low 24.000. The town has been founded at the mount, the theater of Pergamon, Asklepian are among the leading to be seen and visited. These places can be seen within a day.
Pergamon Ancient City (Bergama) History: The Kingdom of Bergama which is the most famous of Hellenistic nations in Anatolia, lived 130 years from 264 to 133 B.C. This Hellenic kingdom chose Pergamon (Bergama) as a capital city and raised it to the state of one of the greatest city and cultural centre in the world. The kingdom of Pergamon was covering North-West part of Anatolia. The founder of the nation is the grandson of a Greek who is called Evmenes Attolos the first. When he died, Attolos the first succeeded him, who was the grandson of his uncle. And then the members of this kingdom spread from this family tree. Af¬ter the peace of Apamea 188 B.C. Pergamon prevailed Anatolia up to TUZ GOLU (Salt Lake) Evmenes the Second succeeded to found the biggest library at that time gathering together all the works of art. ( 200.000 volumes). The last king Attolos the third ( 138-133 B.C.) let the adminis¬tration of Pergamon to Romans with his will. In the era of Romans, the monument of Troyans, the monument of Serapis., the theater in anti, many schools and hospitals were made.
At that time Doctor Galen was living in Pergamon. With his teachings and healing method, Akklepion gained a view of the importance and became the center of sanitation and healing more visited in the era of administration of Roman Empire. During the time when Christianity spread out in Asia Minor, the temple of Serapis was converted to a Basilica which was devoted to Apostel Johannes. (The red saloon available). As soon as Arabs attacked the Asia Minor in the eighth century A.D. Pergamon fortified itself again. Later on, Selcuk Turks captured the city of Pergamon and its castle. With the victory of Timour (Timur) over Ottoman Turks in the Asia Minor in 1402, Pergamon also was under the inva¬sion pf Mongols.