Ancient of Turkey Aegean Coastline – Chapter 6

Arkadiane: (Harbour Street) According to a written table, the Street with columns, which is called after Emperor Arcadian’s, has been consisting sin¬ce the Hellenistic Age. Indeed, the base parts, which hare found in Propylene, which is on the same axis of the west end of Arcadian, is Hellenis¬tic in nature. Arcadian is II m in width and 600 m in length. This Street with columns is not ruined yet.
Commercial Agora: The commercial market was constructed in Hellenistic Age. In fact, the ancient parts of the Ionic style western gate show certain signs of Hellenistic Ages. Some additions and restorations by Augustus and Nero were made in this marketplace, which was covering an area of 12100 m2 and was surrounded by roofed sheds.
Serapis Temple: Being one of the most interesting buildings in Ephesus, The Serapis Temple was constructed by Egyptian colonists. This magnificent building was built on the back walls of a square, surrounded by columns of its three sides. The temple consisted of a closed room (cella), which was very large and roofed by stone arches, a verandah with eight Corinth columns. Its walls were strong enough to carry the stone arch of 29 m width on Cella. The massive stone columns had 1.5 m diameter, 14 m height and were weig¬hing 57 tons. The double wing-gate (6 m width) was very big and its pieces of leaves on the ground shows architectural ornaments of the Baroc style of Antonin Age. (138-192 A.C.)
Marble Street: The street was starting at Artemision in Ephesus and was passing along Venus gymnasium, station, and the western part of the theater. Turning to East at the library, the street was reaching the state agora, along with the eastern part of the agora. After passing through the Magnesian Gate, it was reaching the Artemis Temple. As noticed from the description, this Street was the main street of the town and from times to times several parts of it 4 were restored.