Ataturk Mausoleum and Gordion Museum

Ataturk’s Suite has been preserved in its original condition, Ataturk’s Bedroom containing his bed, divan, armchair, and sofas. Connected to the bedroom area dressing room and bathroom.
Ankara Ataturk Residence and the State Railway Museum: The old station building at Ankara Station, which Ataturk stayed in during his first years in Ankara, has recently been turned into the Ataturk Residence and State Railways Museum. On the top floor of the building are AtatUrk’s bedroom, bathroom, and study with their original furnishings. On the ground floor is the State Railways Museum, where objects and documents recording the history of Turkish railways are exhibited.
Gordion Museum: Gordion Museum’s new building, which is situated opposite the Great Tumulus of “Midas’ Grave” in the village of Yassihoyuk in Polatli, was Period opened to the public in 1965. from the Findings from various different periods found in Gordion, are exhibited rations in the museum according to the following chronological order:

a) Old Bronze Age: This includes pots and bowls found in the Old Bronze Age layers which were uncovered by excavations under the barrow.
b) Hittite Age: Includes objects found in the Hittite Layers, and pots and bowls and small objects found in Hitite graves and the Gordion Barrow.
c) Phrygian Age: Examples of objects dating from the Phrygian Age found in Gordion: Pitchers with a lover leaf shaped mouths, drinking cups, bronze and ivory objects, Phrygian inscriptions etc. There are also bowls, pitchers, ladles, fibulas, and arrow heads on exhibit, which were found in Phrygian Age tumuli and in the tomb of King Midas. Among the objects of note are those from the Archaic and Hellenistic period. There are small figures of birds made of stone, bronze and silver, which were probably presented as offerings to the Phrygian god, Kubaba, Kybele. A statuette of this god dates from the Hellenistc Age of Gordon.